I'm writing to urge you to vote to re-elect Pima County Attorney Barbara LaWall and to contact all your friends and allies to urge them to re-elect Barbara.
I have the honor of serving as Barbara's chief deputy (the number two position in her office). Barbara is a brave elected official to appoint an openly-lesbian GLBT civil rights activist as her chief deputy. In addition, Kent Burbank (former executive director of Wingspan) is Barbara's appointed Victim-Witness Program Director. Kathleen Mayer (openly-lesbian) is Barbara's lobbyist and one of her senior homicide prosecutors. Brad Holland (openly-gay) is Barbara's neighborhood prosecutor. The list goes of openly-GLBT staff members in Barbara's Office goes on and on.
Barbara has long been a supporter not only of GLBT individuals, but of our community as a whole. She attends our events and supports our organizations. She ensures that perpetrators of violence against GLBT individuals are prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
Barbara fought for hate crimes legislation that includes crimes against GLBT people. She fought for protections for victims of same-sex domestic violence. She supported efforts to provide domestic partner benefits to Pima County employees. She has supported me in taking time to be with my spouse, Amy, when Amy has been ill.
Barbara is one of the nation's top prosecutors. She has received national, state and local recognition and honors for her excellent work. She runs her office with integrity. She always does the right thing, regardless of whether it may be popular.
Our community deserves the best in our elected leaders. Barbara LaWall is the best county attorney we could have.
Please join me in voting to re-elect Pima County Attorney Barbara LaWall.
Thanks. Amelia Craig Cramer
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