Polls flip: Gays about to lose marriage in California
John Aravosis (DC) · 10/08/2008 05:45:00 PM ET

I'm hearing from people in the know that this is ours to lose. We will win, I am told, if people step up to the plate and donate. The thing is, where are our rich donors? Some have only given a paltry amount, considering their largesse, others have made their donations contingent matching grants. We don't have time for these matching-grant shenanigans. If marriages are revoked, repealed, in California, it won't just overturn the lives of thousands of Californians, it sets a very dangerous precedent nationwide.
Please click on the blue box to the upper left and donate to Equality for All, the group running the campaign for our side in California. It is completely secure and safe, 100% of the money goes to the good guys in California, and you can give as MUCH as you want, there are no limits - thus the problem with the Mormons now throwing the election.
More from Rex:
A TV ad showing San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom saying California is going to have same-sex marriage "whether you like it or not" is being credited with flipping poll numbers to favor the Nov. 4 ballot proposition to amend the state constitution to undo the state Supreme Court's legalization of same-sex marriage.
"This door's wide open now. It's gonna happen. Whether you like it or not!" Newsom says in a clip included in the ad paid for by forces supporting passage of Proposition 8.
The ad continues: "Four judges ignored 4 million voters and imposed same-sex marriage on California. It's no longer about tolerance. Acceptance of gay marriage is now mandatory....
Gay activists admit the ad is good, even though it contains "lies." But equally important, they say, the pro-8 side has raised nearly $10 million more than the anti-8 side, allowing the forces that want to re-ban same-sex marriage greater access to the television airwaves.
The gay side's current ad shows the parents of a lesbian pleading with voters not to "eliminate" marriage for anyone.
"Our worst nightmares are coming true," Equality California Executive Director Geoff Kors said in an urgent fundraising appeal Oct. 7
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