Sunday, August 24, 2008

As We Did In 2006, We Must Again In 2008 To Combat Hate

During the 2006 elections, Arizona became the first state (of 28) in the nation to defeat a proposed constitutional amendment barring governmental and legal recognition of same-sex marriages, civil unions and domestic partnerships when voters turned down Proposition 107.

It took a monumental, grass roots effort, raising funds to inform Arizona voter about the proposition with television ads such as the following.

Cathi Herrod and the Center for Arizona Policy ran a well funded campaign, with television commercials misleading the voters about Proposition 107.

Voters in the state said no to the hate being peddled by Herrod and her minions and it is time to come together again in 2008 to combat Herrod and her hate by donating to defeat their latest incarnation, Proposition 102 which will be on the November 2008 ballot thanks to Herrod's Republican friends in the Arizona Legislature.

It will take volunteers and funds to mount another campaign as was done in 2006 but it must be done to preserve the state constitution, which should be an enabler of rights now and for the future. Taking away rights, as was done with prohibition, failed and those rights were returned in the 21st amendment, fourteen years later.

Donate to Arizona Together and most importantly to Vote No on Proposition 102, the local grass roots effort, which includes the same individuals who helped to deliver Pima County into the "No" column by such a wide margin, it was a major contributor to the overall victory to defeat Herrod and her hate in 2006 and will do the same this time as well.

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