Saturday, August 23, 2008

Proposition 102 Update - Arizona Together

The financial reports were just posted to the Arizona Secretary of State’s Web site and the Yes on Marriage campaign reported raising over $600,000. This money came from big donations from out of state groups like James Dobson’s Focus on the Family.

It is an outrage that 49 state legislators value his opinion more than they do the will of Arizona voters who made their views known on the issues of same-sex marriage just two-years ago.

Forty-nine legislators put this issue back on the

ballot after you voted NO!

We also just learned that the Yes On Marriage campaign has “bought time” to air their campaign commercials starting September 8th.

We can only imagine what these commercials will say. However, they have over $600,000 to air them throughout Arizona!

That is why we need to raise $100,000 within the next week. This money will allow us to make sure our opponents TV commercials do not go unanswered!

Please visit immediately to make your most generous contribution within the next 5 days.

With the campaign season kicking into full gear and other campaigns reserving their TV time, it is important that we have the immediate resources to compete with Focus on the Family’s so-called marriage amendment.

We must raise $100,000 by next Wednesday!

To make your donation, please visit or call 602-476-4068 and we will come pick up your check. It’s that important!

Thank you and please do not hesitate to contact either of us if you have any questions.


Arizona Together
Kyrsten Sinema and Steve May
Arizona Together Co-Chairs

Vote No Again, Trust The People.

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