Sunday, August 24, 2008

Another Reason To Donate To Defeat Prop. 102

According to the recent financial reports filed with the Arizona Secretary of State's office, major funding for the Yes on Proposition 102 campaign is being provided by Focus on the Family (FOF).

FOF) is the largest international religious-right group in the United States, a multi-media empire that includes its own “campus” and zip code in Colorado Springs, Colorado. FOF is a strong supporter of the Defense of Marriage Act; since the decision of Massachusetts to recognize same-sex unions, FOF closely monitors the status of same-sex marriage prevention measures being enacted in each state across the country, including Arizona, in 2006 and 2008.

FOF works against “special rights” for homosexuals and hate crime legislation, and supports “reparative therapy” for homosexuality, which has been widely discredited and rejected by the vast majority of doctors and physicians. FOF sponsors “Love Won Out,” conferences held around the U.S. that claim to prove that “homosexuality is preventable and treatable,” where many of the speakers are “ex-gays.” “Love Won Out” is from the title of a book by John Paulk, an “ex-gay” who is the host of the conferences and is an employee of Focus on the Family.

For those ex-gays who cannot change, FOF considers sexual celibacy another option. FOF regularly asserts the idea that there is a “homosexual agenda” and associates homosexuals with pedophilia and recruitment of children as sex partners.

Stop Dobson and FOF, donate to Vote No on Proposition 102.

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