Friday, October 3, 2008

Proposition 102 Update: $6.9 Million and What For?

How that money could be much better spent
So the proponents of the so-called "Marriage Amendment" have raised $6.9 million. Just think of how that money could be used to solve the real issues affecting Arizona families, like the economy, health care, education and finding alternative sources of energy.

What is this money being used for instead?
  • To define marriage. Even when marriage has already been defined by Arizona statutes and even after these statutes were upheld by the highest court in Arizona.
  • To overturn the will of voters in Arizona, who already voted NO on a similar amendment in 2006. What? Do they think Arizona voters are dumb?
  • To amend the Constitution. The constitution should be reserved for granting universal, inalienable rights, like the right to vote for all. It should never be used to take away rights from anyone. No faith, no politician, no group should have the right to amend the constitution.
Who are these people who are writing checks in the thousands of dollars to amend the Constitution? Look it up on the Secretary of State web site and you will be amazed. An example that jumps out is an unemployed person writing a check for $5,000. It just doesn't make sense. What kind of Kool-Aid® are they drinking?

The good news is that we don't need to raise that much. Like we said in our last e-news, every dollar raised goes directly into a strategically focused campaign. Our campaign has no overhead and is completely run by volunteers like you.
In the last week, with your help, we raised $8,000. Arizonans have shown that they want to defeat Prop 102. But, we still have a way to go to reach every undecided voter.

No on Prop 102 radio ads will start airing throughout Southern Arizona the week of Oct. 13. Soon we'll upload them to our web site, so you can download, listen, and forward to your friends. Starting next week, Arizona Together is airing TV ads throughout the state.

But we need to buy even more air space. And this is where you can help. A donation of $102 to No on Prop 102 will buy two more radio ads. A donation of $375 to Arizona Together will buy one more TV ad.
All money from Southern Arizona contributed to either campaign will be spent in Southern Arizona. Please talk to your friends and spread the word.

With only 31 days left before the election, now is the crucial moment to work together and defeat this amendment again. Please take a few minutes to give a donation online today. Every heartfelt dollar will help find an antidote to this Kool-Aid®.


Yard Signs Arriving Monday!
Show your support by posting a No on 102 Sign
You've been asking for them! Show your neighbors that you want to keep politicians out of marriage by posting a yard sign. The more traffic by your house, the better!
Signs will be available at Wingspan beginning Monday, Oct. 6, for a donation of $5. Or, if you would like to have a bunch to share with your church, co-workers or club, just email Becky!


Volunteer with No on Prop 102!
We need your help!
You can take action to defeat Prop 102 in your community!
  • Phone banking: We called over 500 people last week! Guess what? Less than 75 said they were voting Yes! Email Becky to sign up!
    • This Sunday, Oct. 5, 3-5 PM at Wingspan
    • Sunday, Oct. 12, 19 & 26, 3-5 PM
  • Canvassing: walk and knock! Join 102 walkers against 102.
    Saturday, Oct. 11, 8:30 AM. Email Becky to sign up!

Sign up today!

Have You Registered to Vote?
Deadline is Midnight, Monday, Oct. 6
If you haven't registered to vote yet, now is the time to check that item off of your to-do list. There are a few easy ways to register:
  • The easiest way is to register online. If you have a valid Arizona Driver License (or an Arizona non-operating Identification Card), you can register online using the Service Arizona EZ Voter Registration website.
  • On the same website, you can also download a printable PDF form. Just print out, fill it in, and mail it to the County Recorder of the county in which you are a legal resident.
  • You can also request an Arizona Voter Registration Form by calling or visiting your nearest County Recorder.

Remember: the deadline for registering to vote is midnight on Monday, Oct 6.

Request an Early Ballot
Early voting began on Oct. 2. You can request an early ballot by clicking here.

Thank You
Your enthusiasm guarantees our success
A special note to Tucson First Lady Beth Walkup and her husband Mayor Bob Walkup, former UA President Pete Likins, Tucson City Council members Karin Uhlich (vice mayor), Rodney Glassman, and Regina Romero, along with her husband, Ruben Reyes, Congressman Grijalva's office, and their son, Emiliano, who helped make our Colors event a success and for their continued support to defeat Prop 102. Thank you. Your commitment to our community is unparalleled.
In addition, a big thank you to our volunteers who have been working hard making phone calls, staffing tables, feeding us and speaking up at every opportunity. This is a grassroots effort, and you are at the core. Thank you.

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