Saturday, October 4, 2008

Are You Registered To Vote? - By Senator Edward Kennedy

(Editor's Note - The deadline to be registered to vote in Arizona is Monday, October 6 by midnight. If an Arizona resident wishes to register and who reads or uses this site, just follow the links on the right of the blog as well.)

One of the few positive results of the Vietnam War is the irresistible momentum it gave Congress to pass legislation lowering the voting age to 18. I was proud to be a part of that movement in Congress more than 30 years ago, and today millions of young people across the country can express their support for Barack Obama in the voting booth.

In a little more than a month, the American people will choose which direction to take our nation over the next four years. This choice will have far-reaching consequences for our economy, our health care, our standing in the world, and our children's future.

But in order to have a say in this crucial decision, you must be registered to vote. In many states, voter registration deadlines are approaching very quickly. It's essential that you and everyone you know are registered in time to cast your vote for change.

As politically-conscious Americans, this request might seem obvious to you. But too many times, voter registration forms are not completed correctly, clerical errors happen or people forget to re-register when they move.

Barack Obama's website,, makes it as easy as possible to register or verify that you are registered to vote. You simply enter some basic information about yourself, and in less than five minutes you receive a completed voter registration form. The site can also tell you if you are already registered and in which state, and it contains other important information about polling locations, absentee ballots, and more.

Over the course of this campaign, Barack Obama has shown that he shares my dedication to bringing more people into the political process. He has reached out to Americans of all ages, races, religions and ideologies, urging them to get involved in this momentous election and have their say about the future of our nation.

The response has been incredible. Barack Obama has generated as much enthusiasm as I've ever seen in a presidential campaign -- but now we must turn that enthusiasm into action.

Don't miss out on your opportunity to participate in this historic election. Get registered right now at -- and be sure to pass the link on to everyone you know who may not be registered.

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