Monday, August 25, 2008

Proposition 102 Update: What's the Point?

Governor Janet Napolitano had said in an interview that she opposes amending the Arizona Constitution to ban Gay and Lesbian marriage and called a fall referendum on the issue unnecessary.

Napolitano said she believes in the definition of marriage as the union of one man and one woman, she doesn't think that there is any reason to amend the Constitution at this point. She called the proposal a "prophylactic" constitutional amendment, one that isn't needed yet because courts have upheld a state law that bans same sex marriage.

So what is the point of Proposition 102? Gay and Lesbian bashing for political profit in this election year.

As was done in 2006, so shall be again this election year, victory over hate in 2008. Donate to Arizona Together and most importantly to Vote No on Proposition 102, the local grass roots effort, which includes the same individuals who helped to deliver Pima County into the "No" column by such a wide margin, it was a major contributor to the overall victory to defeat the proponents (Cathi Herrod and the Center for Arizona Policy) in 2006 and will do the same this time as well.

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