Sunday, August 24, 2008

Announcing the 2008 Wingspan Award Winners

This year's Annual Benefit Dinner will celebrate Wingspan's 20 years of service to the southern Arizona community. What better way to celebrate the organization’s history than to thank those who have made such tremendous service possible through their contributions of time, energy and expertise.

To recognize outstanding volunteer service, three community awards will be given to the community's most dedicated members. Recipients will be celebrated for having demonstrated great community leadership, advancing the LGBT movement, and taking great strides against homophobia, all while creating one of the nation's most thriving community centers.

Godat Award-Winner Noel Matkin

This year's most prestigious award, the Godat Award, will go to Noel Matkin, a lifelong servant to the LGBT movement. The Godat Award was created to recognize those who have made outstanding, long-term contributions to Southern Arizona's LGBT community. Receiving more than a modest number of nominations, Noel is hailed as an advocate, leader, mentor and dear friend.

"The degree of excellence with which he approaches every problem is to be admired and this exactness is always coupled with compassion and love," said Donna Rochester, PFLAG Board member. "Noel is an individual who makes one want to be a better person and he has certainly made the world around him better for having been an active, productive and generous participant in this world."

Among Noel's many accomplishments, he was among the first members of the city's LGBT commission. Noel was critical in the successful merger of Tucson AIDS Project (TAP), Shanti, and People with AIDS Coalition of Tucson (PACT) into what is now the Southern Arizona AIDS Foundation. He is a Community Foundation for Southern Arizona and Alliance Fund board member, a two-term president of the board of Tucson Interfaith HIV/AIDS Network (TIHAN), a leader for Equality Arizona, and a missionary for Wingspan. And all of this is in addition to his tremendous contributions to the University of Arizona as an audiology professor and advocate for equal LGBT benefits in the workplace.

Community Ally Award-Winner Mary Ellen Beaurain

The Community Ally Award recognizes a straight ally who has made a significant contribution to the advancement of freedom, equality, and safety and well being of LGBT people in Southern Arizona. Mary Ellen Beaurain will be honored for her dedication to LGBT seniors. Recognizing the tremendous need for support for the community's aging LGBT population, Mary Ellen rallied support from the Pima Council on Aging, organized a community-wide survey of LGBT elders, and worked nationally with Rainbow Trainers to implement what is now Wingspan's Senior Programs. "She is a true and loyal ally to our LGBT and elder community," said Frances Coleman. "[The program] might not exist were it not for Mary Ellen’s advocacy, support and hard work."

The Hall Award Winners
An irreconcilable tie—two winners were selected to receive the Hall Award, which recognizes outstanding contributions to the Southern Arizona LGBT community.

One of Wingspan's longer-serving front desk volunteers, Shirley Snow has been a beacon of reliability and dedication for nine years. "Anyone who is lucky enough to be greeted by Shirley on their first visit to Wingspan will not leave disappointed by their experience," said Michael Woodward, Wingspan’s Health and Wellness Programs Manager. Shirley is also a key member of the library committee, helping organize and manage Wingspan’s collection, which is now one of the largest LGBT libraries in the southwest.

Likewise, AngieRose Tilghman is a touchstone for Wingspan. She too has dedicated nine years of service to Wingspan, both at the front desk and as one of the most active Anti-Violence Programs volunteers. Additionally, she has served on a variety of panels, and started the Progressive People of Color Coalition, which she directed for a year.

The dedication of these community members is awe-inspiring. Their accomplishments will be celebrated at the Wingspan Annual Benefit Dinner, September 20, 2008. Tickets are on sale now. Contact Erin Russ at 520-624-1779, ext. 115, to reserve your tickets today.

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