Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Have A Ball At TIHAN Night At The Sidewinders, July 13

TUCSON (Observer Update) – Join us for TIHAN night at the Sidewinders baseball game on Sunday, July 13.

The fundraiser has been a tradition for 8 years to help fund TIHAN’s (Tucson Interfaith HIV/AIDS Network) services for people living with HIV/AIDS. Since 1994, TIHAN has provided support services free of charge for people living with HIV. July 13 is a doubleheader against the Portland Beavers, so you get two games for the price of one when you purchase tickets through TIHAN. There will be indoor and outdoor press box seating. As an added benefit, an All American Ball Park Meal of hot dogs, burgers, potato salad, chips, dessert, and beverages will be served between the two games of the doubleheader. Attendees have the chance to participate in a 50/50 raffle for $1 per ticket and a silent auction including sports memorabilia, art, and gift certificates. TIHAN hopes to break previous event fundraising totals. As the number of people living with HIV increases and public funding for them decreases, there is a growing need for TIHAN’s services, including our free monthly lunch program, emergency assistance for bills or memorial expenses, CareTeam support, and care packages of toiletry and household items not covered by food stamps for people living with HIV/AIDS

Games are scheduled to start at 4:00 and 6:00 p.m. on Sunday, July 13, at Tucson Electric Park. Children are welcome. 2008 is the final season for the Sidewinders to play in Tucson, with a planned move to Reno, NV for the 2009 season. Tickets are $30 and a portion ($13.52) of each ticket is tax-deductible. For tickets, call Greg Rogan at (520) 742-0646 or the TIHAN office at (520) 299-6647.

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