Sunday, October 5, 2008

It's time to use our voice


In my opinion, we live in two Americas. An idealistic nation delivering on its promise of equality. And a more divisive nation where our rights as LGBT citizens are denied and often exploited by politicians seeking to get elected. Have you seen the McCain campaign t-shirt? The slogan reads “AmeriCAIN.”  I believe it speaks to a divisive America. I’m tired of this divide and tired of the lies.

Enough with the fear and false claims that gay citizens seek “special rights.” Enough with using our expressions of pride against us, as if we’re a threat to American values. Enough. It’s time to speak our mind, voice our opinions and use our votes. Regardless of where we live and who we are, we are all Americans.

But where you live does matter! Your vote may matter even more in your state, than my vote here in California. Your state may very well determine the outcome of this election and whether it’s America or AmeriCAIN that prevails. Barack Obama’s inclusive leadership will do more for all of us, including our community.

-- Obama voted to outlaw Employment Discrimination. McCain voted to allow it.

-- Obama supports Full Adoption Rights for same sex couples. McCain says “I don’t believe in gay adoption.”

-- Obama wants to repeal the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) and extend the 1,000+ legal rights for married couples to include LGBT couples. McCain voted for DOMA and is against same-sex unions and domestic partnerships.

-- Obama voted for increased funding for AIDS Drug Assistance. McCain voted against it.

-- Obama supports the Matthew Shepard Act. McCain voted against adding sexual orientation to federal hate crimes legislation in 2000, 2002 and 2004.

Check out Obama’s website: At McCain’s website, LGBT citizens are not even mentioned, unless you count the defense of traditional marriage as one of his values. Barack Obama values the LGBT community and he includes us in the one America he seeks to lead. Register! Voice your opinion! Vote!

Thom Mullins
San Francisco, California

Lets not wake up November 5th wishing we had done more.

1 comment:

Alarcon said...

There you go you proved a point McCain abides by the bible have you read the bible yet? Obama Hussein is a Liberal that goes against everything the Bible stands for.