Sunday, September 28, 2008

Proposition 102 Update - Story in the Republic: By Mark R. Kerr

Arizona's soon to be only big newspaper covering Tucson and Phoenix when Gannett eats up Lee Publications when their stock finally hits bottom and it is so close, the Arizona Republic, has a story entitled "Marriage definition returns to ballot," by Mary Jo Pitzl."

In the article is the following quote: "We are not against anything," said Barbara Willis, president of Crisis Pregnancy Centers, a ministry organization that has poured $100,000 into the campaign supporting Proposition 102. "We support marriage as one man and one woman."

Interesting since legal questions over contributions made to, and the expenditures of the proponents of Proposition 102 have arisen, as previously reported.

Also with the Republic story is a poll for which everyone should cast their vote against Proposition 102 there as well. Call it practice before the real voting starts.

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