Sunday, September 28, 2008

Are You Registered To Vote? - Deadline to in AZ October 6

The last day to register to vote in Arizona is Monday, October 6th.

Are you registered? Are your friends and family?

If you only forward one email to your friends, family, and neighbors today -- make it this one.

Each and every vote in Arizona is absolutely crucial to victory on Election Day.

Visit, our one-stop voter registration website, and register before the Arizona deadline.

Supporters like you have built the biggest grassroots movement in the history of American politics.

But in just eight days, the time for bringing new voices into the political process will be over.

You need to be certain that you, your friends, and your family are registered by the deadline -- it's a small step that will have a huge impact on our Election Day results.

This election is too important to leave anything to chance. Make sure your voice is heard -- and forward this email to all the Arizonans you know.



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