Thursday, February 26, 2009

Many Men, Many Voices Seminars, Mar. 2

TUCSON (Observer Update) - Many Men, Many Voices (3MV) is a program, and will be hosting a seminar Monday, Mar. 2, 6:00 p.m. at SAAF, 375 S. Euclid, to prevent HIV and sexually transmitted diseases among men who have sex with men (MSM) who may or may not identify as Gay.

The program addresses factor that influence the behavior of MSM: cultural, social, and religious norms; interactions between HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases; sexual relationship dynamics; and the social influences that homophobia has on HIV risk behaviors. The program is facilitated in small groups. The sessions are highly experiential, incorporating group exercises, behavioral skills practice, group discussions, and role-plays. "The seminar changed my life. Not only professionally but personally and no other training has effected who I was more. Thank you." - Hugo; Tucson, AZ

For more information, call Felipe Hernandez at (520) 628-7223 or E-mail: Points of Health Project is a program of the (SAAF) Southern Arizona AIDS Foundation, online at

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