TUCSON (Observer Update) - Karin Uhlich, the first open Lesbian to win election to office in Southern Arizona, to Tucson’s Ward 3 Council seat, will seek a second term.
Uhlich, elected in the Democratic sweep in 2005, launched her reelection campaign Tuesday, January 27 at College Place, 1601 N. Oracle.
During her speech, Uhlich present her vision of Tucson’s future and discussed her accomplishments.
The Families You Know™ campaign profiles families in which one or more members is lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender. Families where children, siblings, parents, grandparents and friends are loved, respected, cared for and nurtured.
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“The Intel On This Wasn’t 100 Percent”
Gee. Ya think? Mr. Welch, the father of two daughters, said he woke up
Sunday morning and told his family he had some things to do. He left
“Smallsbury,” a...
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