(Editor's Note: The following is from Kevin Wheeler, the Director of the recent Tucson Chuzapalooza Bowling Tournament, writing about the Scratch Masters portion of the tournament, as well as other events that took place. For more information about the bowling tournament, go online to chuzapalooza.com.)
We had 28 bowlers submit entries for the three divisions of scratch masters and the bowl off was between the top 6 in each division:
Sonora Division winners of the Chuzapalooza Budweiser Scratch Masters with USBC averages 155-174, Doug Miller of Palm Springs, CA 2nd place, Tina Mei of Phoenix, AZ 1st place, Richard Perez of San Francisco, CA 3rd place, Kevin Wheeler , tournament director
Rincon Division winners of the Chuzapalooza Budweiser Scratch Masters with entering averages: 175-194, Suzanne Steelman of Las Vegas, NV 3rd, Joel Zemel of Phoenix, AZ 2nd, Chris King of Tucson, AZ 1st place, Kevin Wheeler tournament director
Catalina Division winners of the Chuzapalooza Budweiser Scratch Masters with entering averages of 195 +, Jeff Flink of Houston, TX 4th, Sherri Steelman of Rancho Cucamonga, CA, Jay Kanner of La Quinta, CA 2nd, Dan Strcker of San Diego, CA, 1st, and Kevin Wheeler Tournament Director.
First place team event went to Vegas girls: Sherri Steelman, Karen Trimmer, Lisa Fershin and Suzanne Steelman.
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