While we wait for Team Obama to get into the White House, its current occupants are busy, busy, busy selling off the forests, printing money and passing bureaucratic regulations that are counter to the general good. The axis of evil....Bush, Cheney and Company, have directed the Environmental Protection Agency to make last minute regulatory changes that will eliminate the possibility of allowing the EPA to regulate CO 2 emissions. It is being done in such a way that it will be difficult for Team Obama to put it right again anytime soon.
The same goes for the last minute sales of National Forest timber...once the current administration allows contracts to be signed...well, it is hard, hard, hard to negate a valid contract. It is likely that every regulatory agency in the Federal government (and certainly Alaska, too) is speedily selling everything in the country at fire-sale rates. Obama can't stop it, later he can't fix it...so we need to act now. Yes, us. All you need to be able to do is read, write and email.
Pick any Federal agency. Email whoever you can....tell them that you are a source "close" to Team Obama (true if you voted for them) and that you have some very bad news for them. What we want to leak to these bureaucrats is that they need to stall a little on the selling of America. They need to go a little slower on the passage of last-minute regulations that run counter to the public good. Of course, they know that, but they are dutiful little public servants, serving the current president, loyal and true.
What we need to tell them is that we have it on good authority that Team Obama is gonna fire ‘em all if they pass any of that last minute, bad for the people stuff. Tell ‘em big, bad Obama is coming to town, and they are going to be out of work if they can't point to something "derailed" that Bush and his bunch wanted done. Simple. Do it. Blog, email, chat, spam-it, can-it, ham-it. Tell everyone you know that you have all this on the best authority. For those that are hard to convince, quote me. I know that Obama is going to can all those guys in forestry that are selling the old-growth out to the most attractive bidders right now. I know that Obama's people are going after the bozos in the EPA that are working overtime right now to make sure CO 2 production cannot be regulated in the near future. I know this because it is the only rational thing a rational president can do to undo the last minute Bush damages. There is going to be scorched earth in the federal bureaucracies in just a little while.
Especially in the Justice Department. First and foremost, at Justice. A new department to go after all the boys in the other federal agencies that have been playing ball the Bush way. We all know what the Feds can do when they set their minds to it....the government has long found tools like tax audits, federal investigations and general allegations to be of good service when chasing the poor citizen around. This time, a rational president will use them on the bad guys, the stooges that just follow orders and the rest of the morons that have been facilitating the rape of the country and some of the world by the Bush/Cheney Gang. So you know it too. Let everyone know about it...let's see if it is true that things can travel like wildfire on the internet.
With any luck, what we do today will help stop some of the current President's efforts to undermine the next president. Help Obama now. Spread it that the bureaucrats that stall now will have a job in three months and the rest will be on unemployment and facing the full strength and fury of the Federal Government, as is only right and proper. Let's see. Who can I get a press query to at the EPA.... "Has the upcoming probe into last-minute improprieties been announced at the EPA, as it has been rumored to have already begun at Justice, where it is suspected that US Attorneys loyal to Obama have begun to gather documents damaging to current Justice heads?" That should do, I should think. Off you go now, bad boys and girls...you have work to do that the president cannot. God save us if we fail to act.
What the Media Missed: Trump's twisted speech and silence on immigration
*Welcome to **What the Media Missed**, where we dig into the many examples
of legacy media malpractice that disgraced the nation’s front pages this
1 hour ago
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