Sunday, December 7, 2008

Common Dreams

It's been said that dreams are our roadmaps to the future. If so, where are we headed? Common Dreams is a national non-profit citizens' organization working to bring progressive Americans together to promote progressive visions for America's future. We are committed to being on the cutting-edge of using the internet as a political organizing tool - and creating new models for internet activism.

We are funded exclusively by our members and supporters - no corporate money, no advertising, no hidden agendas. With a small staff and a network of volunteers, we are proud of what we've accomplished on a shoestring budget. But we can't keep moving forward without your help. Please join us by clicking here.

Sarah van Gelder:
The Obama Economic Stimulus -- Will It Take Us Where We Need to Go?

Diane Farsetta:
An Officer and a Conflicted Man: McCaffrey, the Pentagon and Fleishman-Hillard

John Nichols:
Making a New New Deal: Sitdown Strike in Chicago

Harvey Wasserman:
John 'Nuke Bailout' Bryson Must NOT Be Secretary of Energy

Larry Beinhart:
The Fall of a Free Market Prophet

Matthew Bolton:
Ban These Pernicious Weapons

Richard Graves:
Which Path Will the Youth Climate Movement Take?

Barry Nolan:
'He Kept Us Safe' - Unless You Count the Dead People

Saturday, December 6
Bruce Friedrich:
'Yes We Can' Create a Sane Food Policy in the US

Marcus Raskin/Robert Spero:
A Toast to President-Elect Barack Obama and the American People: We're Going to Need It!

Channapha Khamvongsa:
The Secret US War in Laos: Drawing the Future From the Past

Karen AbuZayd:
Action, Not Words for Gaza

Christopher Brauchli:
Lies and Deception George Bush Style

Robert Fisk:
Whenever I'm in Tajikistan, My Mobile Phone Says I'm in Dubai

Jim Goodman:
Food Is Different

Friday, December 5
Jeremy Scahill:
Obama Doesn't Plan to End the Iraq Occupation

Najlaa Al-Nashi and David Smith-Ferri:
Hope, Change, and the Iraq Displacement Crisis

Nat Hentoff:
Obama's First 100 Days

Michael Winship:
Obama's Familiar Orbit

Jesse Hagopian:
'I'm Changing the School's Name to Chrysler'

Peter Erlinder:
Applying the Rule of Law to All Heads of State

Tani Bellestri:
Blood in the Machine

Marjorie Cohn:
Obama: Ratify the Women’s Convention Soon

Burt Cohen:
Our Biggest Problem Is Bigness

Hazel Weiser:
Let the Walls Speak: Collecting the Stories From the War on Terror

Daphne Wysham:
Paying Our Climate Debt

Thursday, December 4
Michael Ratner:
Obama Should Prosecute Bush Officials Who Designed Torture Policy

Glenn Greenwald:
Why Do Feinstein and Wyden Sound Much Different on the Torture Issue Now?

Robert Koehler:
Redefining 'Realism'

Cyril Mychalejko:
Dealing With Killers and Kidnappers: The High Cost of Free Trade

Anand Gopal:
Who Are the Taliban?: The Afghan War Deciphered

Amy Goodman:
Chevron in the White House

Priyamvada Gopal:
Comparing Mumbai to 9/11 Diminishes Both Tragedies

Donna Smith:
Will We Be Honest in Our Healthcare Reform Effort?

David Williamson:
Financial Crisis Could Herald a Renaissance of Radical Thought

Jerome Grossman:
Can Obama Do Change?

Mark Brenner/Jane Slaughter:
Cutting Wages Won't Solve Detroit 3's Crisis

Thomas Frank:
Health-Care Reform Could Kill the GOP

Wednesday, December 3
Eugene Jarecki:
Keeping Track of Change (It Takes More Than Hope)

Yifat Susskind:
From Mumbai to Washington: Now Is the Time to Renounce the War on Terror

Michael Moore:
Saving the Big 3 for You and Me...

John Young:
Our Stampede Mentality

Robert Weissman:
Nationalize GM -- Or at Least Think About It

Karyn Strickler:
Bail US Out of the Fossil Fuel Economy

Ira Chernus:
Community Organizers Press Obama for Real Change

Scott Ritter:
For Bush - and Obama - a Gut Check

Mark Weisbrot:
Obama Should Make a Clean Break With the Past on Latin America

Michael Klare:
'2025' Report: A World of Resource Strife

Stephen Zunes:
Maldives: Another Dictator Bites the Dust

Leonard Pitts Jr.:
Our Destructive Love of Stuff

Pat LaMarche:
New Brand of Eager Holiday Shoppers

Tuesday, December 2
Tom Hayden:
Iraq Pact Challenges Antiwar Movement

Jeremy Scahill:
Barack Obama's Kettle of Hawks

Annie Shattuck:
A Message for Climate Change Negotiators: Small Farmers Key to Combating Climate Change

Dean Baker:
Paulson and Bernanke Spread the Wealth Around

Concerned Citizens of India and Pakistan:
Mumbai Bloodbath

Robert Parry:
Bush Still Lies about Iraqi Inspections

Lynn Bradach:
Ban The Cluster Bomb

Michael Parenti:
Afghanistan, Another Untold Story

Marc Fisher:
Maryland Police Play Spies--And Look Like Fools

Teresa DeCrescenzo:
Where's The Bailout for Nonprofits?

Amitabh Pal:
A Shadow Falls on Mumbai

Katrina vanden Heuvel:
Robert Gates: Wrong Man for the Job

Stanley Kutner:
Bush's 11th-Hour Bid for Secrecy

Glenn Greenwald:
NBC and McCaffrey's Coordinated Responses to the NYT story

Nir Rosen:
Songs for the Mahdi Army

Laura Flanders:
DC to Delhi: Only Our Missiles, not Yours

Derrick Z. Jackson:
Obama Needs to Bail Out Workers

Monday, December 1
Ted Nordhaus/Michael Schellenberger:
Getting Real on Climate Change

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