Friday, October 24, is the last day registered voters in Arizona will be able to request and early ballot for this year’s general election, scheduled to take place with the polls opening on Tuesday, November 4.
Those Arizona voters will have many decisions to make before cast their ballots in the upcoming election: from the presidential contest to see who will inherit the complete mess created by the “Bush Crime Family,” Congressional races, ballot propositions, the Arizona Legislature, county posts to local school boards, many posts and questions will have to be answered and fill, as mandating by federal and state law.
With that, the editorial staff of the Observer has compiled a list of recommendations for contested elections (with respectes to state Senator Linda Lopez, state Senator Paula Aboud, state Representatives David Bradley and Steve Farley, Pima County Supervisors Richard Elias, Ramon Valadez and Pima County Recorder F. Ann Rodriguez, individuals with good records of service and support), basing the choices on statements, actions, position papers and voting records on the issues of concern to the LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender), HIV/AIDS and straight supportive communities.
President - Barack Obama
U.S. House of Representatives:
Congressional District 1 - Ann Kirkpatrick
Congressional District 2 - John Thrasher
Congressional District 3 - Bob Lord
Congressional District 4 - Ed Pastor
Congressional District 5 - Harry Mitchell
Congressional District 6 - Rebecca Schneider
Congressional District 7 - Raul Grijalva
Congressional District 8 - Gabrielle Giffords
Proposition 100 (Protect Our Homes Act ) - No
Proposition 101 (Medical Choice for Arizona) - No
Proposition 102 (Marriage Protection Amendment) - No Again!
Proposition 105 (Majority Rules Initiative) - No
Proposition 200 (Payday Loans) - No
Proposition 201 (Homeowners Bill of Rights) - Yes
Proposition 300 (Legislative Pay Raise) - No
Proposition 403 (TUSD Override) - Yes
Arizona Corporation Commission - Sandra Kennedy, Paul Newman
Arizona Senate - District 25 - Manuel Alvarez
Arizona House - District 25 - Ric Boyer, Pat Fleming
Arizona Senate - District 26 - Cheryl Cage
Arizona House - District 26 - Don Jorgensen, Nancy Young Wright
Arizona Senate - District 27 - Jorge Luis Garcia
Arizona House - District 27 - Olivia Cajero Bedford, Phil Lopes
Arizona House - District 29 - Matt Heinz, Daniel Patterson
Arizona Senate - District 30 - Georgette Valle
Arizona House - District 30 - Andrea Dalessandro (VOTE ONLY)
Pima County Board of Supervisors - District 3 - Sharon Bronson
Pima County Attorney - Barbara LaWall
Pima County Sheriff - Clarence Dupnik
People will still be able to cast an early ballot after October 24 and many locations set up by the Pima County Recorder’s offices. Call (520) 740-4330 for more information or go online to:
Trump’s pathetic Tesla stunt proves he’s chosen billionaires over his base
President Donald Trump’s ridiculous car salesman schtick at the White House
Tuesday made a mockery of the Executive Office. It was pathetic seeing
Trump ...
1 hour ago
This is a big election year. Remember, Prop 105 wants to change our constitution to count people who don't vote. Visit for more.
I mostly agree with your recommendations. But, I respectfully disagree with your recomendation on Prop 201 -- I voted "NO", because there is just too much left to interpretation.
I think the idea of an extended warranty on a home is good. However, I don't think consumers should be forced to buy an extended warranty if they don't want one. So, a ten year warranty as an option -- I could support that. But, not as a mandate.
The language in the initiaitve gives "prospective" buyers the right to bring suit against a builder. That just doesn't make sense to me. Seems like it will increase the number of lawsuits against builders and that is destine to drive up the cost of housing.
I think the initiative started out with the right intentions, but somehow got way off track.
Vote NO on 200! Payday lending is trapping too many hardworking Arizona families into inescapable debt. Predatory lending is what landed us in this economic mess. Have the sense to say “no more” to it and send the payday lenders packing on Election Day.
Shaun - the recommendations were just the opinions of the Observer Management and staff. The voters will decide and we appreciate the feedback, positive or negative.
There are some good choices here.
From BabsForBalance.
The No(s) have it in general - especially on 101 for Medical Choice (fooling the voter), 102 (unnecessary,) 105 (Incredibly ridiculous and WRONG) and 200 (shameful).
While I have read all the DETAILS on the props there are still a few I go back and forth on, but the ones that are clear to me are also your choices. Thanks
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