Friday, October 31, 2008

Arizona - Voter ID - A Must Read

PHOENIX - With a rising number of homeowners dealing with foreclosure, many voters may wonder where they should vote if they have recently moved. Secretary of State Jan Brewer and Attorney General Terry Goddard today provided the following reminder to ensure that no Arizona voters will be disenfranchised because of a recent move or foreclosure.

Arizona law requires voters to be registered to vote at the address where they actually reside.

Two simple voting rules apply for those who have recently moved for any reason, whether or not related to a foreclosure:

1. If you moved within the same county, but didn’t update your registration address: You must vote in the polling place where you live as of Election Day. You will be required to vote a provisional ballot.

To receive a provisional ballot, you must bring valid identification with you to the polling place, showing your address. That means you will need either one (1) form of valid photo identification with your current or previous address or two (2) forms of valid non-photo identification with your current or previous address. You will receive a regular provisional ballot regardless of whether your identification shows your current address as of Election Day or your previous address.

By filling out the provisional ballot form at the polling place, your address will be updated so there is no need to fill out a separate voter registration form.

2. If you moved to a different county AFTER October 6, 2008: Because you moved after the deadline to register in your new county, you must vote in the polling place where you WERE registered as of October 6, 2008.

If you have valid identification showing your PREVIOUS address, you will vote a regular ballot at the polling place where you were previously registered. To receive a regular ballot, you will need either one (1) form of valid photo identification with your PREVIOUS address or two (2) forms of valid non-photo identification with your PREVIOUS address.

If you have valid identification showing your CURRENT address, you will vote a provisional ballot at the polling place where you were previously registered. To receive a provisional ballot, you will need either one (1) form of valid photo identification with your CURRENT address or two (2) forms of valid non-photo identification with your CURRENT address.

For future elections, however, you will need to register in your new county.

ALL Arizona voters, whether or not they’ve moved, must bring valid identification to vote at the polls. If you do not bring identification with you, you will be allowed to cast a conditional provisional ballot. For that ballot to be counted, you MUST present valid identification on or before 5 p.m. on November 12, 2008. At the polling place, you should request instructions about the procedure for producing such identification after Election Day.

For more information, including questions or concerns that arise on Election Day, voters should contact their county elections department. Contact information for these departments is available at the Secretary of State’s Web site,

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