Friday, September 5, 2008

McCain: What's LGBT?

(from Michael Crawford, cross posted at LGBT for Obama).

Since the Log Cabinites consider John McSame faboo, since he is so "inclusive", consider the following from Michael Crawford, who brings up this little reminder?

It is no secret that John McCain is completely out of touch with mainstream America. I mean seriously he can’t remember how many houses he and his wife own? But I had forgotten about this tidbit from Andy Towle a while back:

I had only seen one portion of the McCain Concord High School student exchange from yesterday, and I thought that was bad. And no, I’m not even referring to the part where he called one student a “little jerk”. Somehow, I missed this priceless moment.

“Another student asked McCain what he would do on ‘LGBT’ issues and on ‘workers’ rights?’ McCain, paused, confused by the question. Someone in the crowd shouted out ‘lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender.’ ‘I had not heard that phrase before,’ McCain said of LGBT.”

Then again, I’m not surprised at the answer, coming from a man worried about the effect of “gay sweaters” who is not sure if condoms help stop the spread of HIV.

Not sure if condoms help stop the spread of HIV?

Had never heard the acronym “LGBT?”

Sweaters with a sexual orientation?

So despite an army of advisers, it may be that he doesn’t get issues that even high school students understand, but McCain sure does have a strong record of opposition to LGBT civil rights.

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