Saturday, September 6, 2008

Early Voting For General Election Starts October 2

In less than four weeks, voting for the November general election will commence with the mailing out of the early (vote by mail) ballots to registered Arizona voters who are already on the early voting (vote by mail) list.

Why Vote By Mail?

* No waiting for hours in line
* No polling place intimidation
* No confusion about where to go to vote
* No need to make arrangements for childcare or time off from work
* Increased voter turnout

In this 2008 election voters in Arizona must make important decisions regarding many ballot measures. Vote by mail allows voters to study the language, as well as the arguments for and against each measure, and make an informed decision with a more relaxed timetable than is possible in a traditional polling place.

Voting by mail will encourage those to get others to the polls or who don't choose to cast their votes by mail to do so on November 4, to defeat Proposition 102.

Click here to find your respective County Recorder's office and get on the early ballot list and then vote, no on Proposition 102.

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