Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Obama Leads In LGBT Poll By 58: McCain Worse Than Bush

Overwhelmingly supporting Senator Obama over Senator McCain in the presidential election according to results of a Harris Interactive poll released this morning, it is also predicted that McCain will garner less of the LGBT vote than President Bush did in 2000 and 2004, reported Page One Q.

68 percent of those polled between August 1 and 7 prefer Obama. 10 percent favor McCain, while three percent prefer independent Ralph Nader and one percent back Libertarian candidate and Georgia Congressman Bob Barr. Three percent chose "Other," while 15 percent remain undecided.

In the 2000 and 2004 elections, Bush got 23 percent of the vote among gays, lesbians and bisexuals. In contrast, President Clinton had 66 percent of the gay vote in 1996.

Senator Obama enjoys an 8-point lead among registered voters, close to the 9-point lead he had in July. He has a 33-point lead among "Echo Boomers," or those under 32 years of age. McCain leads by 9 points among "Matures," those over age 62, considered the most likely to vote. Obama has a 91-point lead on the African-American vote, and 25 on Hispanics. He also leads among all income groups, and is ahead with voters that have college education, with the biggest lead being 30 points among college graduates with post-graduate education.

The poll was conducted online and collected data from 2,834 adults, of whom 6.3%, or 178, identified as gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgender. Data tables, courtesy of Witeck-Combs Communications, are available at this link.

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