Tuesday, August 19, 2008

LGBT Leaders Launch Community Website to Elect Barack Obama

PORTLAND - LGBT supporters of Barack Obama launched today an online community portal for information and discussion about the campaign and easy to use tools for getting involved. The website, LGBTforOBAMA.com, is the idea of longtime gay activist and Democratic Party loyalist Terry Bean of Portland, Oregon.

"After devouring many polls and talking to friends, it was apparent that many GLBT people were unaware of the stark differences on our issues between Barack Obama and John McCain," explained Bean. "I was appalled that George Bush got 24% of the GLBT vote in 2000 and again in 2004 and vowed to do all that I could to prevent that from happening again with John McCain." After conceiving the idea, he soon realized that website was also the perfect vehicle to keep our community updated daily on election news and to provide a much needed forum for LGBT specific fundraising.

The project has attracted the attention and support from community leaders, online bloggers and celebrities, who will be providing daily content and commentary. The LGBTforOBAMA.com team currently includes:

John Aravosis - americablog.com
Chad Allen - television actor
Marti Abernathy - www.bilerico.com
Phil Attey - Netroots activist
Terry Bean - LGBT and Democratic Fundraiser
Vic Basile - former HRC Executive Director
Elizabeth Birch - former HRC Executive Director
Bil Browning - bilerico.com
Michael Crawford - bloggernista.com
Andres Duque - blabbeando.com
Terrance Heath - republicoft.com
Jeremy Hooper - goodasyou.org
Jeff Hickey - community activist
Corey Johnson - community activist
Waymon Hudson - fightoutloud.com
Robin Kane - community activist
Jake Kaskey- community activist
Eric Marcus - bilerico.com
Rod McCullom - rodonline.typepad.com/rodonline
David Mixner - davidmixner.com
Cathy Renna - rennacommunications.com
The Right Reverend V. Gene Robinson
Mike Rogers - pageoneq.com
Hillary Rosen - huffingtonpost.com
Michangelo Signorile - signorile2003.blogspot.com
Pam Spaulding - pamshouseblend.com
Joe Sudbay - americablog.com
Andy Towle - towleroad.com

In addition to content provided by the blog team, user-generated content will also play a key role in LGBTFOROBAMA.com. "We've integrated a number of Web 2.0 tools into the LGBTFOROBAMA.com platform, allowing visitors to contribute directly to the content," said site advisor Michael Crawford. "Users can engage in discussions, comment on news items, post video testimonials, and tell the world why winning this election is vitally personal to them."

Journalists and new junkies will also benefit from the online portal. LGBTFOROBAMA.com provides online aggregated newsfeeds from LGBT bloggers and news sites. There will also be live-blogging from the Democratic Convention in Denver. The public can sign up for the feeds at:

RSS Feed: http://feeds.feedburner.com/LGBTforObama
Friendfeed: http://friendfeed.com/lgbtforobama

"The stakes for the LGBT community in this election are enormous. The LGBT community must unite behind Senator Obama's campaign," Bean said. "LGBTforOBAMA.com is a one stop place where the LGBT community can get informed, make donations and help fundraise, in a shared effort to make Barack Obama our next President."

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