Saturday, August 16, 2008

Letter to the Editor - Re: Observer Recommendations

The Observer obviously spent little time or effort on the endorsements for Pima County Board of Supervisors in Districts 2 and 3. Donna is quite supportive of The Stonewall Democratic Club and has been active in opposing Proposition 107 where Sharon Bronson and Ramon Valadez refused to take a stand.

Neither of them have done much if anything to address the important issues that affect all of us such as unbridled growth, a dwindling water supply, and proper oversight to assure that our elections are handled honestly and without tampering, to name only a few.

It was very disappointing to see the incumbents endorsed by the Observer when both Donna Branch-Gilby and Robert Robuck are clearly far superior candidates. In comparison, both Donna and Robert speak about specifics when it comes to the issues where Sharon and particularly Ramon give generalizations with little substance if any to back them up.

I expect more from a publication that has the ability to influence a large number of people who may or may not be well informed on issues when it comes to voting.

Alan Leibensperger

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