Monday, July 21, 2008

Propositions On Arizona November General Election Ballot By Mark R. Kerr

As previously reported, the proposed state constitutional amendment to define marriage as a union between a man and a woman will be known on the November general election ballot as Proposition 102.

One of the other ten ballot propositions is Proposition 300, recommended by the Commission on Salaries for Elective State Officers, this measure would give the Arizona Legislature a pay raise for their work (passing regulations on botox injections, prohibiting taxation on breast implants and preventing equine tripping, going over their 100-day mandate by 66 days and receiving per diem checks for the time well wasted), increasing their base salary to $30,000.

If you want a reason to vote against this turkey of a proposition, other than the economic crisis, job losses and pending budget cuts, go here and here for 49 reasons!

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