Saturday, June 28, 2008

No coercion indeed Cathi - By Mark R. Kerr

No coercion indeed Cathi Herrod of the Center for Arizona Policy, so why then was the discussion cut off by the Republicans in the state Senate and when the final vote was taken, all the Republicans voted in favor of this waste of taxpayer dollars despite current law and court precedent.

So Cathi and the Center for Arizona Policy get their half-million dollar freebie on the November ballot with no pressure, defending her techniques to reporters and defending their amendment.

If there was no coercion then why did Cathi and the Center have to get the Legislature to place their bundle of bigotry on the ballot this year when they paid petition circulators to do the same in 2006? Could it be due to a huge debt they have thanks to the efforts of their campaign coordinator for Proposition 107 in 2006, Nathan Sproul, who is a part of Arizona Senate President's Tim Bee current campaign for Congress against Gabrielle Giffords.

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